Gull Air Nantucket

I was hired by a new airline company locally owned coming to Nantucket, Gull Air. This airline was actually started on Nantucket in the mid 1970s until the mid 1980s when it was sold and moved to Florida. It existed before Cape / Nantucket Air. I’m doing the branding, website, aircraft exterior graphics, overseeing the photography and marketing. A super cool project that I’m grateful to be a part of. It’s starting as a charter airline and will switch to daily flights after FAA approval within the next year. Gull Air will be a commuter airline with daily scheduled flights between Nantucket and Hyannis only.

• Website
• Branding
• Graphics and Branding on the Aircraft
• SEO for High Google ranking searching Nantucket Charter Airlines.

Check out the live website

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